Ever been at a house party with someone fancy, only to find the two of you naturally gravitate all night, swerving social commitments to end up holed away in a corner? The way we begin new romances is the theme for David Eldridge’s new play, set in a living room in the dying hours of a well-to-do businesswoman’s house party. She’s after Danny, who at 42 lives with his mum and is separated from his wife and daughter.
BEGINNING by Eldridge, , Writer – David Eldridge, Director – Poly Findley, Designer – Fly Davis, The National Theatre, 2017, credit: Johan Persson
The excruciating first few hours of courtship drag this pair together, who could be any of us. Danny is an anxious comic with a giant heart, although he’s not kissed or been kissed in years and city life has made him forget how to be confident. Laura is equally likely – a couple of years Danny’s junior, she has all the hallmarks of success – a spacious apartment in an admirable area, fashionable clothes and a high paying job – but she associates affection and happiness with another kind of life. Polly Findlay’s production normalises how the early stages of romance can be seemingly impossible, rather than suavely sexy. Although lush to others, Laura’s new flat makes her feel sterile and it embodies all that she already has (wealth, style) and none of the things she wants (kinship, passion).
BEGINNING by Eldridge, , Writer – David Eldridge, Director – Poly Findley, Designer – Fly Davis, The National Theatre, 2017, credit: Johan Persson
Sam Troughton balances Essex lad Danny’s charms and anxieties with miraculous sensitivity. His humour and music taste appeals to Laura, although he’s too enveloped in his own dread to see outside of it.
The play’s best asset is how it ultimately makes a weary end-of-night drunken conversation both realistic and theatrically tantalising. Eldridge has extracted all of the saddest thoughts that two single middle-aged people might have – ostensibly that they’re unattractive – yet when the pair eventually kiss it has the energy of a teenage love flick.
BEGINNING by Eldridge, , Writer – David Eldridge, Director – Poly Findley, Designer – Fly Davis, The National Theatre, 2017, credit: Johan Persson
The production is generously enamoured by its lush, stylish set and a nostalgic soundtrack which varnishes Beginning. David Eldridge’s play is nifty to look at, and big on jokes, making all that timelessly relevant, soberingly relatable dialogue a joy to behold.
Buy tickets to Beginnings, National theatre | Buy the script for Beginnings, National Theatre
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